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Is a Wedding Planner worth it?

There's a number of articles out there talking about the pros and cons of a wedding planner. The summation of them all isa general consensus of: "Yes they are worth it, if you can afford one".

I get it. Getting married is (often) the most expensive party you'll ever throw. With the tools we have access to in todays age, it's is hard to justify spending more on someone to coordinate and plan all the vendors. Is it more stressful? Yes. Is it worth the extra money for the honeymoon? Maybe.

Planning a wedding is, as one would expect, no small ordeal. There is a fair amount to learn, in a short amount of time. Have a long engagement? That actually doesn't make it easier. Counter to what you would expect, persons with longer engagement and planning periods will be overall more stressed, rather than less.

My opinion on a planner is such: it's a matter of priority. What matters most? The venue? The MC? The photographer? Or that it all work together perfectly?

Maybe the expensive, add-on planner actually has the capability to overall create a higher quality, more stress-free, amazing dream party that you've always imagined, for even less than you could have hoped.

As a final note, here at Moshunal we love working with Planners. We've found that we can create overall greater and more coordinated moments and events, and truly offer the freedom to make the event yours.

Just two cents:)

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